Low Back Pain, Headaches, and Fatigue

In my 25-year search of long-term relief from chronic lower back pain, headaches that would last for days, and fatigue, I have subjected myself to a number of styles of chiropractic, medicine, acupuncture and pain medications. Quite by accident, I found Estill County Chiropractic and was skeptica...

Neck Pain

I began treatment with Dr. Allen, reluctantly, about 4 months ago. I had been in a car accident about two months earlier. The pain in my neck (from a car accident two years earlier) had returned to the point that I was taking prescription pain medication daily just to get through the workday. On ...

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

The first day I came into Dr. Allens office, my expectations were that he would work a miracle for me and make my pain disappear. And he did. The very first time I went in I had a headache and I left without it. Things have only gotten better, I had Carpal Tunnel Syndrome in […]


Sam had a “normal” birth and first couple of months of life. However, at three months old he had his first seizure. We were scared. Then the second, and third, we were horrified. Would my son ever be able to swim or drive a car? He soon began the medication. From three months to six months he ...